Here's some more tips to help you learn new skateboard tricks.

These tips will help you learn new skateboard tricks much faster.

Tip #1: Set Goals.

Working at a trick consistently will help you learn new skateboard tricks faster.

The saying: "If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter how you're getting there" is true for skating.

Working at a trick consistently will help you learn new skateboard tricks, and sometimes this will require a bit of perseverance and committedness.To learn new skateboard tricks, write some goals for tricks you want to learn and then work at some of them each time you skate.

Do this for a while and you'll find the trick easier and easier.

Tip #2: Commit!

To learn new skateboard tricks, centre on landing the trick, not avoiding slamming.

The main reason I people take a long time to learn new skateboard tricks is because they're just not committed to landing the trick.

They're too busy worrying about hurting themselves rather than trying to learn new skateboard tricks. If all you're concerned with is not slamming then you're going to have a hard time learn new skateboard tricks.

Just focussing on 'not hurting yourself' mean you'll end up bailing out of the trick even when you've got a good chance of landing it. To learn new skateboard tricks, you need to try hard to land the trick and have a clear picture in your mind of what you'll do and centre on doing it.

You will fall sometimes, but slamming is rarely as bad as we imagine it to be and injuries are pretty uncommon.

The only way to learn how to do tricks on skateboard is to be committed to actually landing the trick!

Tip #3: Work up to it.

Don't try to land 360 flips if you can't even ollie up a curb or 50-50.

This sounds crazy, but I see people doing it all the time.If you really want to learn new skateboard tricks, you need to build up your skills from basic tricks to the more advanced ones.

To learn new skateboard tricks, you need to treat it like building blocks - tricks build onto each other. The more basic, foundational tricks you learn, the easier the advanced tricks will come.Take the time to sharpen up on your basic tricks and the harder tricks will come much easier.

Tip # 4: Have fun.

There's nothing worse than being unhappy while trying to learn new skateboard tricks, and chances are you won't learn it if you're angry or impatient.

To learn new skateboard tricks, make sure you're having fun - if you aren't, try something else and come back to it later on. Skateboarding is supposed to be fun - that's why we doing it.If it's not fun for you, you're doing it for the wrong reason :).

Tip # 5: Get advice from Professionals

There are some great products on the 'net for helping you learn new skateboard tricks. One of them is 'Secrets of Skateboarding' - it shows you how a skateboarder learnt in 8 weeks what takes most skateboarders many months (or even years) to master!

This guide comes with loads of free bonuses, and has received great reviews:

"I took your advice and did the exercises and techniques them and saw incredible improvements in my skateboarding.I mastered the varial flip in 3 days! It is the perfect step-by-step skateboard guide. I am so excited about using it to learn more tricks."- Fred C

Order 'Secrets of Skateboarding' here: